Monday, November 30, 2009
Chapter 10: Products Life Cycle
Billabong selected NGC after a detailed and rigorous evaluation of the industry's leading PLM vendors. "We chose NGC based on the functionality and ease of use of their solutions, as well as NGC's deep understanding of the fashion and apparel industries," said Mike Savage, General Manager of Product Development, Billabong International Limited.
"Billabong is an exciting, dynamic company and one of the hottest brands in action-sports apparel," said Alan Brooks, President, NGC. "NGC is honored that we were selected by Billabong, and we look forward to a successful implementation."
Chapter 10: New Products.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Chapter 16: Personal Selling
Chapter 16: Sales Promotions
Monday, November 16, 2009
Chapter 15: Public Relations
One of the ways billabong maintains a high public relation is getting public publicity by sponsoring or organizing championships. Some of their own championships are International Flow Championship, ASP World Junior Championship, OCCY's Grom Comp, and Billabong Pipeline Masters. Another way Billabong gets public publicity is by sponsoring pro surfers, skaters, and snowboarders from all around the world. These sportiest have a contract with the bran getting billabongs products for free with the condition of wearing and using them all the time. This sportiest are chosen by their professionalism and popularity; for example, Hawaiian surfer Granger Larsen, Brazilian surfer Maya Gabeira, skater Bucky Lasek from Maryland, skater Lacey Baker from California, snowboarders Clint Allan and Jamie Anderson, and body boarder Matt Lackey. Also, all of them are part of billabongs different teams based on the sport they play.
Chapter 15: Billabong ads
Feel beautiful and enjoy...Love Billabong.
Billabong Commercial.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Chapter 15: Advertising
Monday, November 9, 2009
Chapter 17 : Dividend Announcement
The record date (books closing date) for determining an entitlement to the dividend is 25 September 2009 and the dividend will be paid on 23 October 2009. Trading on an ex-dividend basis will commence on 21 September 2009 (four business days before the record date in accordance with the timetable laid out in Appendix 6A of the ASX Listing Rules).
The Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) was approved by the Directors on 21 August 2008. In the financial year ended 30 June 2009, the DRP was offered to ordinary shareholders for the first time and provided the opportunity to acquire fully paid ordinary shares, without transaction costs, at the prevailing market value less 2.5%. For the final dividend to be paid on 23 October 2009, the DRP is optional and offers ordinary shareholders the opportunity to acquire fully paid ordinary shares which rank equally with all other shares issued, without transaction costs, at the prevailing market value. A shareholder can elect to participate in or terminate their involvement in the DRP in respect of the 2009 final dividend at any time prior to the record date of 25 September 2009.
Chapter 17: Billabong Share Price
Monday, November 2, 2009
Chapter 13: Retailing
Retailing ere All the activities directly related to the sale of goods and services to the ultimate consumer for personal, non-business use. There are different classifications of retailing which are Ownership, level of service, Product Assortment, and Price.
- Ownership: Independent, Retailers Chain Stores and Franchises
- Level of service: it can go from self services like factory outlets and Warehouse clubs, which provide low service, to full service like Exclusive stores, which provides every kind of services that consumer could need.
- Price: The amount of money the retailer makes as a percentage of sales after the cost of goods sold is subtracted.
There are also non store retailing, which are companies that offer their goods and services without having a store. For example, Automatic vendors are the machines that offer goods for sale. Another non store is Direct Retailing; this retail classification is based on the selling of products by representatives who work door-to-door, office-to-office, or at home parties. A third non store retailing is Direct Marketing, this retail use techniques to get consumer to make purchase from their home, office, or another non retail setting. The last non store retailing would be Electronic Retailing; they encourage consumers to shop online at home.
Retail promotion strategy is all about Advertising, Public Relations, Publicity, and Sales Promotion. The site choice is also a part of promotion strategy. It is important to investigate for Economic growth potential, Competition, and Geography. Also the Atmosphere is the overall impression conveyed by a store’s physical layout, décor, and surroundings. Presentation of the Retail Store is what attracts consumers to visit a store, Employee type and density, Merchandise type and density, Fixture type and density, Sound, Odors, and Visual factors are aspects that consumers look in a store as part of service.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Chapter 13: Billabongs Retail
"Retail offers Billabong an opportunity to showcase our product portfolio and this helps us drive brand value and awareness," adds Hazell. "In these situations, it's critical that the IT platform is both robust and efficient, and sits comfortably within the retail environment."
"We chose VC STIMELESS because it's the only truly international retail software vendor for a retail like us, and it was fundamental to our growing needs to integrate regional and country specific retail practices, like fisility and legislation, as well as have instant support for our staff in their own language," concludes Hazell. Anticipated benefits of the new system include:
- easier to use and learn for store staff
- improve (more informed and quicker) customer service, especially at busy times
- significant reductions in surplus and discounted stock through improved forecasting
- fewer returns to the central warehouse
- cost savings and increased performance
- less shrinkage
- improved accuracy on inventories
- less paperwork, so considerable times savings
- fewer errors than with previous manual processes (e.g. supplier tracking)
- real time information and improved management reporting